Welcome to Heart Conscious Living

Divine Channel, Healer and Intuitive

Welcome to Heart Conscious Living

Divine Channel, Healer and Intuitive

Heart conscious Living

Healing Sessions

Fundamental Training

Discover your true essence. lead from the heart

What is Heart Conscious Living?

Heart conscious living is a portal to support the birth of a new wave of consciousness within our world.

It has been created to assist people through the Transference Healing® system to heal, shift, transform and rebirth into a heart base consciousness, empowering individuals to express, be and live from the calling of their authentic self.

To discover how living from your heart can assist you, learn more below. 

How transference Healing® can help you

Clear core issues

Liberate yourself
Gain clarity and understanding
Empower self healing and empowerment
Release pain and struggle

About Gillian

Being on a journey of reclaiming myself, I know how hard it is to step out to be the real you.

I know what it’s like to have such deep trauma and chronic health conditions that disempowers you from moving forward and creating the life that you know you can live. I have lived this journey and have moved through enough to be where I am today in service, utilising my gifts and talents.

Gillian is a multi-dimensional Transference Healing® Ascension Facilitator, Teacher, Spiritual guide, Global Grid-worker and spiritual channel, bringing through new Earth frequencies to support the healing and activation of the Earth’s grids. 

Schedule a FREE no obligation

15 Minute discovery call

Would you like to find out more about how Transference Healing sessions can radically change your life, awaken latent spiritual gifts, and empower you and create increased health, happiness and abundance in your life?

Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.

Copyright © 2023 Heart Conscious Living. All Rights Reserved. Website Design by Daniella.