About Gillian

Living the first few years of my life in Papua New Guinea surrounded by indigenous people, imprinted within me a different way of being. My heart and psyche were fully opened. The pure elements of Mother nature, the indigenous culture fed into my body and soul.

I remember being in love with nature, feeling the freedom and the
interconnectedness of everything which created the foundations of my life.
Moving back to the Western world my life took a dramatic turn. Everything I knew
was taken away from me. My family fell apart and I went from living an abundant lifestyle to a low socio-economic existence. As a sensitive child living in a chaotic home environment while dealing with emotional and physical abuse outside my genetic line, I found it very difficult to cope, and eventually all the pain and suffering came out in my body creating a very rare skin condition, shattering my sense of self. As a teenager I was closed down, which led to a self-destructive path of substance abuse and self-sabotaging behaviours.

I would often question my very existence and why I was here. I did not believe that we were just here to work, gain material wealth and then die. Then one day I heard a message that seemed to come from a higher voice informing me that I was here to help shift the consciousness of humanity and the Earth. At that time, I did not know what that message meant. So aged 19, I began my spiritual journey.

My search guided me to many locations, travelling to sacred sites around the world, learning from different healing modalities and enlightened teachers, which helped increase my spiritual knowledge and understanding of myself and the universe. In 2009, I came across Transference Healing, which changed my life, as I knew I had found a way back to the light. This powerful healing and ascension modality gave me the tools to self- heal. Through the teachings and healings of Transference Healing I was able to move through deep inner wounds, blocks and traumas within my being from my childhood, past and current lifetimes, enabling me to start opening myself up again creating rapid soul growth and evolution.

As I healed and evolved finally, the jigsaw of my search for meaning started to come together, as well as my own sense of self and purpose in life! Everything I had been through, questioned and envisioned on how we could exist, be and live on this planet was to assist the next stage of evolution for humanity that we are moving towards.

I have been on the spiritual path for more than 20 years. On this journey of reclaiming myself, I know how hard it is to be the real you. I know what it’s like to have such deep trauma and chronic conditions that disempowers you from moving forward and creating the life that you know you can live. I have lived this journey and have opened my heart enough, to be living and expressing my unique self out into the world .

I am a Transference Healing® practitioner and teacher, global grid-worker, spiritual guide/channel and Mystery School initiate. By accessing the wisdom of the higher realms I support others to move through their inner blocks, reach their higher potential, empowering people to live from the calling of their heart.

I am an energy healer in Cooma, and operate my business from the beautiful Snowy Mountains Region of NSW and offer sessions both in-person and remotely. I also teach Fundamental Training, a 3-day Transference Healing course.

In loving Service,



Angelic Reiki
Open to Channel by In’Esa Mabu Ishtar
Transference Healing Practitioner Teacher
Mystery School Initiate Level One and Two

Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.

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